Thursday, 10 January 2013

    • Robin Hood SEO v 2.oIts been 2 rather turbulent years since the v 1.0 release of my first commercial foray into SEO, when the simplicity & effectiveness of a consistent, but easy, 1 hour a day spent linking & refining would to a user spin upto many hours a day, because SEO is addictive, getting found & finding a niche that suits your needs, can happen very quickly. Though it is possible to overdo things. Building on the proven wq2rx metastructure now in its 8th year, provided us with large though not infinite playing field for search-specific but unique & individual, personalised coverage for some 6 odd million 2 letter 1 number 2 letter combinations covering aa0aa to zz9zz very simple yet sublime & very effective. Whoever or what caused the unique WQ2RX to emerge so highly out of the 6 million possibles is anyones guess, but it found a place that has since become one of the most plagurised yet meaningless 5 chars ever, in excess of 600 million video views for that tag alone, for my own purposes I generated batches of 20,000 at random rather than successively. Even though it became used extensively less than half ever got used & many binned. Moving 5 years on I had created an easy way of competing with some of the best most powerful Search manipulation with just a computer & a few hours to devote each week, this evolved into several experimental toys jadgit fell ubp did too but viralblogger & disdroid took squeeze pages & free content management systems to what has been for such a small but daily effort an unprecidented, unfinanced success, building in excess of 100 k users who due to various (mostly cost) issues broke the site & further difficult tehnical issues were sorted out without losing database 'live' code we hadn't bargained on demand, Slimmed down disdroid is a very easy & effective bookmarking site with supreme indexing I guess theres similarities with other social bookmarers but it has always been free with only a little advertizing splash page & links. In the v 2.0 we are incorporating the aspects of disdroid with our wyrdpress, which is effectively a hosted wordpress with all the bells & whistles of a highly customised collection of extras from logicfish software, combined with the 1 hour daily consistent input Robin hood SEO has evolved into a very straightforward way to get any site but particularly WP Blogger & joomla into a highly targetted niche in no time, over the last few weeks it has been nearing a pubic beta which we predict will have some more fine tuning before we have a recognised stability to run from. So for a short time we are willing to offer beta testers an opportunity to bring blogs directly into wyrdpress using an easy importer, to clone blogger or wordpress (others imminent) it wont affect the operation of any blogs but will give you the added security of a backup in worst cases DMCA ETC. You will be surprized though maybe a bit daunted at first how easily it works. No spamming or stuffing, though a little thought will achieve in no time ehat pro SEO's routinly charge $1000-$2000 a month for, better still than that you will have learned easily how to do it for yourself. Not one refund was requested for the original training course, though we admit to barely breaking even. That said we are confident that once you see for yourself how easily it can be done, you will be amazed, you will get a free blog for nothing & Robin Hood SEO free during the beta. We envisage three or four levels of the overall seo.wyrdpress product with the intention of a basic always being free, but may be ad supported at some point. The platinum level is going to be extraordinary, with any number of possibilites for even the most seasoned bloggers coming to depend on our exclusve combination of custom tools & simplicity they wont want to go back to a free blog hosting once the power of our product is. For testing either your own domain or a sub of ours sign up free today & protect your wordpress at once

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