Sybil or Sigill 1240
Margaret de Clayworth 1306
Alice de Screvyn 1307-1328
Margaret de Seyvill 1350--1361
Elizabeth de Staynton?
Alice de Mountenay1403
Cecelia Hyk 14762
Joan Stansfield 1491
Margaret Tarleton 1499
Margaret Fletcher 1505
Cecelia Topcliffe 1527
Joan Kyppes or Keppax 1539
Margaret de Clayworth 1306
Alicia de Screvyn 1307
Cecelia Hill
Joanna Stansfield 1491
Margaret Tarlton 1499
Margaret Fletcher 1505
Cecelia Topcliffe 1527
Joan Kyppax
Elizabeth de Stainton--no date
Mary de Hopwood 1187
Maud Clayton 1211
Marion Pinkerley 1225
Elizabeth de Scervin 1252
Mary de Inchcliffe 1270
Judith de Startinly 1289
Margaret de Clayworth 1306
Alicia Screvin 1307
Elizabeth Jepson 1329
Mary Startin 1344
Elizabeth Rhodes 1361
Alicia Bradley 1393
Margaret Allen 1417
Elizabeth Kitcheman 1453
Cecelia Hill 1476
Joanna Stansfield 1491
Margaret de Tarleton 1499
Margaret Fletcher 1505
Cecelia Topcliffe 1527
Joan Kepasset or Keps 1532
These lists can be slotted together ,without discrepancy,with presumed years of office, as follows:
Lecia 1190-1211
Maud Clayton 1211--25
Marion Pinkerly 1225-40
Sybil 1240-48
Joanne de Staynton1248-52
Elizabeth de Scervin 1252--70
Mary de Inchcliffe 1270--89
Judith de Startinly--1289--1306
Margaret de Clayworth 1306--1307
Alice de Scriven---1307--1328??31
Elizabeth Jepson--1329--44
Mary Startin--1344-1350( Died of plague--(-ref Eileen Powers)
Margaret Deseyvill--1350--61
Elizabeth Rhodes--1361--73
???Elizabeth de Stainton??
Alicia Bradley--1393--1403
Alice de Mountenay--1403--1417
Margaret Allen---1417--53
Elizabeth Kitchinman 1453--76
Cecelia Hyk---1476--91
Joan Stansfield--1491--99
Margaret Tarleton--1499-1505
Margaret Fletcher--1505---27
Cecelia Topcliffe--1527--32
Joan Keppax--1532--39
my thanks again to Barbara Green
Hi Spiney----I am sure no -one could care less about the prioresses , all they want is a pretty Robin in his tight green breeks leaping through the trees, bows and arrows (Red Indian style but no matter!) waving around in the breeze! Mi5 or no M15, this legend has beem corrupted out of all credibility!
ReplyDeleteits all twisted