Saturday, 10 November 2007

the Yorkshire Robin Hood Society

Barbara Green
is one of the leading researchers/authors on Robin Hood
I highly recomend visiting her website

nobody does more to raise awareness of Robin Hoods YORKSHIRE roots
I would also like to thank Barbara for taking the time to contact me ,
its quite an honour ,
Elizabeth de Stanton is not the murderess .
She is however remembered with an ornate celtic cross ,
currently in Lady A. garden .
the discourse tabled above is a lively thread on Robin Hood .


  1. who is that freak?

  2. These two Yorkshire Puddings are daft and obsessed with male naughty bits as can be seen by their "blog" posts all over the web citing this man or that man could not "perform" despite their "handling" of the matter. Quite unfair to Farrant to inflict these yokel plonkers on him as it is decidely un-Christian!

  3. see
